You are at peace when you are you
You are great when you are you
You are calm when you are you
You are beautiful when you inhale the tenderest morsel of nature
Drink in the sweetest glistening dew drop on the spring leaf
The clouds moving over the valley
The moon light peaking between the redwood tree
You are you and you are magnificent
And deserving of love
From yourself
From yourself
Release the inner critic from its prison
Be free to be at peace
With your beautiful self
The one that dances flawlessly in her strangeness and exploration of sound
The one that has eyes that could melt 10 million hearts
The one that writes words that are so honest and loving and true and caring
The one that has knowledge of the world
The one that has survived neglect and abandonment
The one that brings smiles to so many when she enters a room
The one that has a glow inside of her
Give love to her
She needs it
She deserves it
And it only need to come from you
From within…